Drive-in Picnic

Whew! It's been a long day, TGIT, Thank Goodness it's Thursday and I get to travel home tomorrow! Being onsite with clients is exhausting in many ways, even when it is going as well as this trip is. At the end of a long day, I'm ready for anything that isn't more work. I'm also ready for some food to feed my tired brain cells!

Equally however, I do not (and I mean do NOT) want to hang out with more people. I need some alone introvert time to rejuvenate myself for the client and the people I care about. That means I have been going out to eat while business traveling less and less. Maybe it sounds like college cooking when all you've got is a minifridge and a microwave but I've upped my skills! Check this out!
Hotel-made (not homemade) chicken salad sandwich
Oh, ya. Classy bottled water and styrofoam plate. :-) But that doesn't matter. It has cherry tomatoes, apples, green pepper, chicken, salt, pepper, and yogurt and was yummy! All with a plastic knife and minimal ingredients.

So how does this become a fun vacation? Find a cool place to eat it! Pack up your lunch/dinner and do your own "drive-in picnic". It is way better than drive-thru in the car. Take your hotel-cooked meal on the go, turn up the heat and music, move into the back seat, and enjoy the view. Sure, maybe your weather is like mine and cold, rainy, and foggy, but still, this water view is pretty. I felt so refreshed after some food and some outdoor space.

Cedar Point, Ohio
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