Home again home again jiggity jig

There is a certain comfort to coming home after a trip. Traveling away is part of the adventure but the traveling home is often just necessary, boring, and filled with longing. You trudge up the drive with your arms heavy with bags, fumble with keys, and opening the door drop the bags with a sigh that the house hears. Ahhhhhhh.... home.

I have a certain fondness for Bilbo Baggins and relating my returns to his. Part of that is due to my first exposure to the book which was when I was very young and my dad read it out-loud to my sister and I. It fills me with a comfort of home as a place, home as being with family, and home as a feeling. Being home makes you feel like you are now allowed to relax and put your feet up. It seemed only fitting to watch the latest release of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies this weekend after my long trip.

I love the song at the end when Bilbo returns home after his adventures. It transports me to a place where time doesn't move and I could live to be 111 too. But just like Bilbo, after a few weeks, I'm rested and ready for another adventure!
“Go back?" he thought. "No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!" So up he got, and trotted along..." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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