Beans, Beans, The Caffeinated Fruit

I always drink coffee in the morning when I travel. I don't always need the caffeine but it becomes a routine that helps being in a new place a little easier. Sure, you can do Starbucks but it is way more fun to check out the local spots.

I found this place outside of Cedar Falls, Iowa called Cup of Joe.
A little piece of downtown
Without a doubt I would take others back here. The coffee shop is at the end of this street on the corner and actually, the river is on the other side of the building. If it wasn't wintery snowy cold, it would be neat to sit on the patio or walk around here. At least the sun was out!

Coffee shops are either bold and colorful with local artwork and bring color block walls, or dark, and quiet like whispering a secret with a friend. It is easy to curl up with a book in an armchair, crowd around a patio table with too many friends, or grab and go with your boost of aroma and smile from the barista. Cup of Joe is one of the bright spots if you aren't going into Waterloo for the basketball game!

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